Future Jobs for Aspiring Students in Abroad

Future Jobs for Aspiring Students in Abroad


Quite often a student aspiring to study abroad is seen researching as to what will be the job opportunity or career path after completing the course. In fact many students decide the course with a prospective career path in mind. It becomes essential for a student to plan everything beforehand given the financial investment required in the whole process of study abroad.

Due to rapid changes in business landscape and technology. Jobs are changing fast, old jobs are getting redundant and new segments are coming up

Some of the prospective jobs which will be in demand in near future will be as following:

Data Scientist: Data scientist is an upcoming career path with many colleges/universities even online courses. It’s a branch which involves collecting data, analysing it for the use of required business. It helps in understanding consumers and improving the products. When we surf online, we leave a vast amount of data. This data, when analysed can predict and decipher our habit, likes, dislikes, interests, etc. A marketeer with this data can understand its customer better. Here comes the role of a data scientist who can gather, analyze data and prepare reports which can help a business.

I.T. Facilitator: An I.T. Facilitator creates a automated self serve IT platform. It helps a person to obtain web services and access to software and hardware directly from the corporation itself.

Artificial Intelligence Business Development Manager: This will basically be a sales persons job because selling AI in its raw form of packaged business form will require individuals input and expertise which is not possible by a computer.

Robotics Engineer: in coming years many of the jobs which are being done by the humans today will be replaced by robots just like drones have taken over where surveillance is concerned. Many dangerous jobs which involve working in nuclear plants, war zones, will be taken over by robots.

Dietician: This is another upcoming field which is fast catching up pace.  People have become health conscious now more than ever. Nobody wants to be categorized as an obese/unfit person. Hence there will be an unexpected rise in demand of nutrition/diet counsellors.

Cyber Security: People are using internet like never before. Most of the financial transactions are online. Vast amount of the confidential data is on the internet. Hence the need for cyber security specialists is on the rise to make the net a safe place.

There are more options which are not only high paying but also require expertise.  Planning a course with a career path in mind makes your dream a true stori of inspiration.

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