Diwali Poojan at Our new Office at Noida

School Connect Program, Pathankot
2 Year Celebration
Team EduStori celebrated it’s 2nd Anniversary at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi with Students, Parents, Academic team, Faculty Members, Career counsellors, Business Associates, Digital partners, Digital Interns and Research team. Team EduStori wished Good Luck to it’s students who would be flying to USA, UK, Canada, Australia and France very soon to Study in their Dream Universities!!

Lloyd Business School, Greater Noida
Online Session on “Inculcate Inspiring Leadership Habits” was conducted by our co-founder for the young business management graduates (PGDM Batch 2020-22) students with Leadership Habits. It was indeed great fun and huge learning while virtually interacting with sharp, bright students and future leaders from Lloyds Business School, Greater Noida.
Post the session, Mr Rathi commented, “Shaping future and making these young kids future ready with experiential and immersive learning and practical examples is certainly very fulfilling Experience. Hail the Leaders of Tomorrow”
Online Session on “Inculcate Inspiring Leadership Habits” was conducted by our co-founder for the young business management graduates (PGDM Batch 2020-22) students with Leadership Habits. It was indeed great fun and huge learning while virtually interacting with sharp, bright students and future leaders from Lloyds Business School, Greater Noida.
Post the session, Mr Rathi commented, “Shaping future and making these young kids future ready with experiential and immersive learning and practical examples is certainly very fulfilling Experience. Hail the Leaders of Tomorrow”
Lloyd Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida
Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology organized an Online Guest Lecture on “Inculcate Inspiring Leadership Habits”. This lecture delivered by our co-founder Mr. Amit Rathi, Experiential Trainer, Happiness Coach, Motivational Speaker, Leadership Trainer and Management Consultant on October 30th, 2020 MBA Batch 2020-22!!

Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi
Nothing more fulfilling than “Developing Young Minds into Future Leaders”!
Our co-founder Mr. Amit Rathi Conducted his SIGNATURE EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP – “BUILDING EFFECTIVE LEADERS for TOMORROW – BELT” for “Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi. The 4.30 Hours long, absolutely engaging and participative Leadership Session on digital mode fetched Great Feedback from all participants.
Mr Rathi was absolutely delighted to see young minds so evolved and clear in their thought process.
Shiv Nadar – Noida
Shiv Nadar is a renowned university at Noida. In such a short duration of time, it has earned a respected name for itself. Our co-founder Mr. Prashant Kapur was invited by this prestigious Institution to be a part of the Mock Interview Panel for the MBA students graduating in 2020. It was an enriching experience for the students to get a first-hand feel of what a real interview could be.
Mr. Prashant Kapur also shared anecdotes of business fundamentals and real-life interview scenario. The interaction with the students was very fruitful; the young turks were full of energy and were extremely inquisitive. The session helped the young minds clear many doubts.

“It is our choices that make us who we are !!!
It is not difficult to make any decison when you know what your values are..
Let us all Join “Value Education Olympiad” with Iskcon Punjabi bagh.
Edustori is delighted and humbled to be part of “Value based Education”; a concept floated by ISKCON Punjabi Bagh. We would urge all to come forward and register our kids to participate in “Value Based Olympiad” organised by ISKON, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi.
Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad
Mr Amit Rathi, our Co-Founder had a great time interacting with students of Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad this evening on Webinar. Due to Covid 19 restrictions, all the interactions had to be shifted to the online mode.
Amit Rathi delivered his Signature Program “Campus to Corporate – The Road Ahead – Corporate Calling”. It was a great feeling to have spent time with the young audience. Amit Rathi felt great while motivating and preparing millennials to embark on their Corporate Journey….

JEMTEC – JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
JEMTEC – JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida for invited Mr Amit Rathi, our Co-Founder as Chief Guest to speak to Young minds, i.e., alumni of JEMTEC; the Future of Corporate India. We would like to Thank Dr Rashi Gupta , Ankur Budhiraja and Management Team of JEMTEC for this wonderful opportunity to interact with young guns.
Our Co-founder Prashant Kapur is a regular Guest Faculty at JIMS, Rohini, New Delhi. Prashant Kapur is seen along with Management team and Prof S.C. Kapoor at JIMS campus post his 3 hours session to students on Global Retail trends & its impact in India.

Lloyd Business School, Greater Noida
Our founders cum promoters attended the Business Summit 2020 organised by Lloyd Business School, Greater Noida. Our Co-founders Amit Rathi, Prashant Kapur and other panellists with President Lloyd Group – Mr Manohar Thairani, Group Director Lloyd Business School – Mrs Dr. Vandana Arora Sethi and Director Lloyd Business school Dr. Bhupender K. Som
The aim of the summit was to identify challenges rising with the endless possibility of growth in technology and identifying means of accommodating the changes, with the development of an understanding with respect to Strategic Business Management and the reflection upon these distortions and the identification of mitigation strategies to have a smoother industrial transition
Asian Business School, Noida
Asian Business School is among one of the leading business schools in North India. Asianites have claimed placements in the leading industries. ABS is a part of Asian Education Group (AEG) and has more than 25 years of experience in this field. AEG is also the largest centre of media education in Asia.
Our founders attended another interesting Inter College Event at one of the leading Management colleges as Judge for “SHARK TANKS – PITCH YOUR BUSINESS IDEA” organised by “Asian Business School” Noida.