Over the past few years, it has been observed that the average CGPA of the students has been scoring. In this scenario, demonstrating academic excellence by getting good marks alone is not good enough to secure admission to the top colleges abroad. The colleges look at holistic achievement of the students. Consider widening your profile to improve the chances of your admission in target colleges.
Though the academic score is an essential criterion for the application selection, colleges are now also looking at other approaches to select the students. The colleges are prioritizing the students who have a vast and impressive profile.
Why is profile building important?
Building a profile is a way to showcase your skills and interests. A profile pens down your expertise, skills, achievements, and how you are looking forward to advancing your career. By studying a student’s profile, the selectors know what their educational goals are and how the students are planning to match them.
How does AP help in building your profile?
As per 2007 Crux Research Inc., 85% of the colleges and universities confirm that a student’s AP result impacts admission decisions positively.
Taking AP course helps students better their chances in college admissions. The universities look favorably upon them that they have cracked the most rigorous curriculum. Their performance in AP demonstrates a student’s commitment and success at university-level studies.
To crack AP, the students dig deep into the subjects to ensure thorough learning and knowledge, which helps them become an expert in the subject. The students take AP in the subject that interests them and use their problem-solving skills to clear course challenges.
AP helps the students to illustrate their competence in a particular subject of study. It allows students to study a subject of their interest. Some students also take AP Exams to complete their General Education requirements at a specific college. AP allows the students to have a globally recognized academic program score in their international college applications.
Taking AP courses and exams establish that the students have developed analytical and critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving, and academic brilliance.
The students from more than 120 countries take AP Exams for various benefits, including profile building.