7 Expert Tips For AP Preparation

7 Expert Tips For AP Preparation

AP Exam Preparation Tips

AP or Advanced Placement has earned a lot of popularity recently due to the immense benefits. A good AP score grants you credit, advances your placement, improves the chances of admission to your dream foreign college, saves money and time by allowing you to skip introductory university courses, etc. All you need is undeterred determination and commitment!

An AP score of 3 and higher is needed for availing the list of benefits mentioned above. With proper preparation, you can even score more than your expectations!

Here are the top seven tips to help you prepare for your AP exam.

1. Start Preparing Now

When you decide to take the AP exam, you need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible.Last-minute studying will not fetch you good score. AP needs consistency and ample time for a thorough study.

2.   Consistency

Expert AP tutors believe that consistency is the key. You must not deviate from your focus and keep up the patience till you appear for the test. Remember that studying is just like practicing an instrument or a sport. With more practice, you allow your mind to absorb the concepts better.

3.   Plan ahead

This specific technique is important for strategically covering the massive curriculum ahead. Before beginning to study, spend some time drafting the details like the things you need to work on, strong and weak areas, range of topics you need to cover, minimum hours you need to study, etc. At the end of every week, review whether you are going as per the plan.

4.  Study Smartly

‘Studying smart’and ‘studying hard’ are two different things. Though you may aim to learn the entire course, but it is wise to determine what to study first. Do not waste time in revising the chapters you know well. Fill the gaps in knowledge, take practice questions, and correct yourself. At the end of the course, you can revise everything from the start.Our master counsellors help you create a schedule that’s smart and effective. Learn more at edustori.com/ap-preparation 

5.   Look for a study partner.

Some AP experts tell their students to find a study partner. Take turns to become teacher and student. Push yourself and ask difficult questions to them, and then they do the same to you. This interactive method of learning is not just thrilling interesting but also significantly improves the course’s understanding.

6.  Take Breaks

Studying too much will saturate your mind. The brain needs some time off. Take enough breaks in between and eat healthy food, stay hydrated, take power naps, exercise regularly, watch short funny videos, etc.

7.   Practice Mock Tests

The key to success in the AP exam is to take as many practice tests as possible. The more you solve practice papers, the better are the chances of scoring high. It is a great way to familiarize yourself with the format, gauge your performance, elevate your concept understanding, improve time management, etc.

Cracking AP may feel daunting. But taking little steps ahead and preparing well will let you scale the AP mountain!


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