How to Prepare for AP Exams in India?

How to Prepare for AP Exams in India?


In the last year 2020-21 AP exams, 2,548,228 students look 4,578,302 exams to apply in 3,024 colleges worldwide.

To take the university-level course while still in secondary school and earn college credit, you need to start preparing for the Advanced Placement or AP Program scheduled in the first week of May’22.

How to Study for AP?

Preparing for one or multiple AP exams is not too easy. It will need a bit of planning, effective study techniques, setting realistic score goals, etc.

Here, you can learn to put together a perfect AP preparation strategy.

1.    Start Early

Start prepping for your AP exam as early as possible. This will allow you enough time to study the content thoroughly, practice test papers, get used to the exam structure, and evaluate your progress.

2.    Choose Subject

Indian students can take AP in any of the 24 subjects like Calculus, biology, history, etc. Have you decided yours?

3.    Know the Exam structure

Every AP exam has sections like multiple choice questions, short questions, essays, etc. Make yourself comfortable with the exam pattern and structure by going through sample AP test papers.

4.    AP Prep Material

An exhaustive AP prep book will help you find essential content, varied question types, and practice papers for the big day. Refer to old class notes too to freshen up the information. You can easily get official AP study materials online.

5.   Take Practice Tests

Take multiple practice tests before the exam. It is a great way to test and upscale your subject knowledge. This is also helpful in getting used to the questions, perfecting your time management, knowing how the test is structured, and evaluating your progress.

6.    Group Discussion

Get in touch with other students who are also preparing for AP. Talk about the material, quiz each other, share ideas and responses, and more. A weekly group study not only helps the students check their progress and learn many new things but also motivates them.

7.   Remain Calm

Stressing about the exams will not help. Relax, deep breathe, and stay focused while preparing for the exam. The less anxious you are, the better will be your scores. So, take one step at a time and do not let the pre-exam jitters disturb you.

8.   Get Expert Help

Contact the expert tutors at Edustori, they will help you with comprehensive preparation and material to ensure you do your best in AP exam.

Cracking the AP exam needs good planning and preparation. Get used to AP questions, take many practice tests, revise your lessons, hone your exam-taking skills, and do your best!


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