SAT is going digital from 2023 onwards

SAT is going digital from 2023 onwards

The SAT can work wonders for your college application. It brings success for you in school and aids you during college applications. The SAT has also undergone quite a few changes over the years to reflect the students’ preparation efforts better.

While your SAT scores do not represent your whole application, they hold a pretty important place in your college application. Doing well on your test is integral to your application getting approved. And for a good score, you need to be familiar with the test pattern. Knowing the test pattern beforehand allows you to be confident and prepare well before giving the test.

The SAT scores are accepted in several colleges across the US, UK, Australia, amongst many other countries. College Board made the latest change to the test pattern in 2022. A press release was issued on January 25 and declared that by 2024, the SAT would go completely digital.

"The SAT will be delivered internationally beginning in 2023, and in the US in 2024." – Direct quote from the press release.

What to Expect from the New Exam Pattern

The SATs will now be conducted as a computer-based exam as opposed to the pen-and-paper format of the past. Along with the change in delivery mode, there will also be several format changes. The exam length will be shorter and feature easier passages for reading. The test questions are also going to be more adaptive.

The test duration will now be two hours instead of the current three. This provides students with more time to answer the questions. Students will now also receive their test scores in a few days as opposed to waiting for weeks.

Calculators are now permitted for the complete Maths section. Another change is that the digital SAT suite score reports will include the information and resources to local two-year colleges, workforce training programs, and career options. This was done to reflect better the range of paths students opt for after high school.

The Reasons for the test becoming Digital.

The vice president of College Readiness Assessment at College Board has stated that the digital SAT would be easier to take and be more relevant.

Students, after taking part in the November global pilot of the digital SAT, provided the College Board with feedback. The students collectively felt that the digital SAT test experience was less stressful compared to the current form. According to them, the shorter passages helped concentrate more on what the question was asking from them.

While students find it easier to take the new SAT, educators also stated that it is easier to administer. The teacher proctors who administered the tests in the same pilot stated that the experience was better than administering the current pen-and-paper test. They no longer have to undergo the hassle of packing, sorting, or shipping test materials. Instead of a fixed schedule, schools and districts now have ample options for where, when, and how often the SATs will be administered.

Along with these benefits, the digital format also makes it possible for students to showcase their strengths better.

To Sum Up

Even though most colleges removed the compulsion to submit SAT scores during the pandemic, most students still opted to take the tests. This indicates how instrumental the SAT scores are in opening doors and opportunities for students. A good SAT score can enrich your college application and help you stand out from other students. We at Edustori understand this importance and thus, have made sure to provide aspiring students with enough resources to ace their SAT exams.

For the students aspiring to obtain a great score on their SAT, check out our website for preparation material.


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